Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Merry Nutmas!

- Are those all for me?

- I want one with a nut in the middle
They've all got nuts in the middle
- I'll have 'em all then!

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Giant Idol found in North East Park

Squirrel totem in South Park, Darlington. Nut offering left by local worshipper.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Concerns over rising levels of gambling in Inner Cities

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Soldier and squirrel

"A kind-hearted soldier rescued a baby squirrel on the verge of death and then nursed him back to health by feeding him every four hours.
Warrant officer Pyotr Pankratau was serving in the Belarussian army when he discovered the tiny baby squirrel under a tree...

 Best friends: Pyotr Pankratau and his squirrel Minsk are now inseparable after he nursed the sick animal back to health

Incredibly, the baby squirrel made a full recovery and stayed with Pankratau throughout his two years of service in the army.

Pankratau named the squirrel Minsk - after the Belarus capital - and he now never leaves his side.
Minsk even accompanies Pankratau, now a taxi driver, as he drives passengers around the city."

More photos and full story here:
A cabbie's best friend is his squirrel

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Just what Hackney needs - another artist

‘NUT PILE’ (2011) 
is a static yet pop-up installation that explores the use of public space by non-human Hackney residents. Adopting a Deleuzian becoming-animal approach, this intriguing new piece by local resident 'H.S.' challenges crow hegemonies and interrogates possibilities of alterity. The pile of nuts is a static physical presence, yet when cached (buried) its (dis)appearance renders it a ghostly (non) presence, but one which is always-already present in the memory of the squirrel, until such time as the nut may be re-presented.   
'Nut pile' occupies approximately 6" x 8" and can be installed at your gallery space easily and quickly. 

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Jerry Lee Lewis? Glenn Gould? No, it's a squirrel

Whilst reknowned for their athletic, problem-solving and sporting prowess, squirrels have not hitherto been regarded as leaders in the world of music. Until now...Read about the grey virtuoso here